Coaches Report:
Varsity –
Preseason workouts for middle school and varsity have started. Tuesdays & Thursdays from 3:30 – 4:30 at the high school. This will run until 11/14.
Mats were installed, lots of parents and alumni came to help. They are good to be used now. Need names of parents that helped for volunteer credit.
Kenny Downing is volunteering as an assistant varsity coach
Girls only clinic being run on 11/6 by Isabella
Varsity is using REMIND app to communicate
Make sure all parents register through the boosters.
Warm-ups and singlets have been ordered
Jr. High –
Craig Rawlings has accepted the Asst. Coach position
Team Snap app is being used to communicate
8th grade girls sent a proposal to Dr. Lux about starting a girls team (they do not want to wrestle with the boys). Gretchen has offered to help them do any research needed and has reached out to NA about their girls team. This is in extreme early stages and will not happen in the 2023-24 season.
JO Program –
Practices start on 11/7 – a new parent meeting will also be held on this date. A second meeting will be scheduled for 11/9 if needed depending on attendance to the meeting on the 7th
Mandatory parent meeting will be held after the two-week trial. Chris R will print the parent packets.
All kids will practice together during the trial period, then a split for novice/open will be discussed and planned.
Gretchen to submit a FUA for the middle school aux gym for additional practice space.
GameChanger will be used again this year for communication
NATR will be held February 3rd. Location TBD. Stacy to check on a few contacts.
Stromboli sales will start in December
Look into Blast Athletics for future fundraisers
Discussion Items:
Carly to send Nick available dates for pictures. He will choose the date based on their schedule. Also provide dates to MS and JO coaches
Past, Present & Future night tentative date 1/17/24 vs. Highlands. Nick would like to set up some youth matches as well.
Dawg Duals – 12/9/23:
Middle School team will be able to help out this year.
Dean is working with Dan to get shirts ordered
Trophies need ordered
Duplicate the Signup Genius (make a few adjustments)
EBMT – 12/10/23:
Chris is working with Mark to get officials
FUA has been submitted and approved
Need to order trophies – check with John Hollibaugh
Brian O finalized registration information and is getting on PYWrestling
Medics – need to contact Alec
Duplicate Signup Genius
Board Voting:
President – Gretchen Bennett
Varsity VP – Stacy Rakar
Middle School VP – Jessica Barry
Youth VP – Farrell Frank
Treasurer – Sam Fleischmann
Asst. Treasurer – Greg Hunkele
Secretary – Carly O’Brien
Youth Ambassadors – John Hollibaugh & Chris Ruggeri