Coaches Report:
Varsity –
Fall workout’s have started on Monday’s from 3:15-4:15 in the Varsity practice room.
Jr. High –
Jon Maguire to be assistant coach pending board approval.
JO Program –
Practices will start Tues., November 1 – 6:30-8:00 at the middle school
EBMT looking to have a super trophy this year. John Hollibaugh is interested in sponsoring.
David Marx is now using FLO
We are waiting on approval for the dates to host the end of year tournament, dates submitted are 2/5/23 or 2/19/23
Brian suggested that we negotiate the concession fee with the league since we will be required to have a
Stromboli – Justine
Saris candy – Thanksgiving so its in by Christmas – Stacy
Super Bowl – Gretchen
NATR – Looking at Feb 11. Kristen Ninehouser has offered to get the firehall behind Eat n Park for free.
Discussion Items:
Emma Bursick
Push for sponsors
Super Trophy – John Hollibaugh?
$800 custodial
NEXT BOOSETER MEETING 11/9/2022 at the middle school - 7:00 pm